Course 1 Micro Economic Analysis

CO 1 The students will be able to understand theory of micro economics critically.

CO 2 The students will be able to analyze the economics behavior of individuals, firms and markets.

Course 2 Quantitative Method

CO 1 The students will be able to use the techniques of mathematical & statistical analysis.

CO 2 The students will get to know use of the simple tools and techniques which will help them in data collection, presentation, analysis and drawing inferences about various statistical hypothesis.

Course 3 Indian Economic Policy

CO 1 The students will be able to learn about Indian economy characters.

CO 2 The students will get aware about Indian economic policies and economic reforms.

CO 3 The students will be able to high light an integrated approach to the functioning aspects of the Indian economy keeping in view.

Course 4 International Trade and Finance

CO 1 The students will be able to evaluate the importance of international trade and limitations critically

CO 2 The students will be able to critically examine international trade policies

CO 3 The students will get to learn govern the free flow of trade which includes goods, services and capital – at the global level.

Course 5 Labour Economies

CO 1 The students will get to learn about various labour legislations and laws in India.

CO 2 The students will be able to examine labour welfare and social security critically

CO 3 This course exposes students towards the theoretical as well as empirical issues related to the labour market with special reference to India.

Course 6 Industrial Economics

CO 1 The students will be able to assess the contemporary world with globalization and liberalization. As much more attention has been given to this industry.

CO 2 The students will be able to analyze labour management relationship critically.

CO 3 This course intends to provide knowledge to the student on the basic of issues as productivity, efficiency, capacity utilization and debates involved in the industrial development of India.

Course 7 Macro economic Analysis

CO 1 The students will get broad knowledge of macro economics or arregative economics analysis and establishes the functional relationship between the large aggregates.

CO 2 The students will be able to assess macro economics which is now not only a scientific method or analysis but also a body of empirical economic knowledge.

Course 8 Public Economics

CO 1 The students will get to learn the role and functions of the government in an economy that has been changing with the passage of time

CO 2 The students will be able to assess that there are vast array of fiscal institutions tax system, expenditure programmes, budgetary procedures, debt issues, level of government etc.

CO 3 The students will be able to evaluate the term “Public Finance” that has been traditionally applied to the package of these policies and operations.

Course 9 Economics of Growth and Development

CO 1 The students will be able to evaluate social and institutional aspects of development and importance of the agriculture and the rational and pattern of industrialization in developing countries.

CO 2 The other important issue in the context of development such as infrastructure – linkage, role of international trade, importance of domestic macro economic policies & investment criteria etc.

CO 3 The students will get to learn many economic growth models and social and institutional aspects of development.

Course 10 Economic of Social Sector

CO 1 The students will be able to learn the Classification and Control of pollution.

CO 2 The students will be able to Sustainable development, population growth and environmental issues global warming , climate change  , green house effect.

CO 3 The students will be able to Classification of resource and optimum use of Resource .

CO 4 The students will be able to Educational reforms and right the education Act.

CO 5 The students will be able to  Health Economics.

Course 11 Micro Economic Analysis

CO 1 The students will be able to understand theory of micro economics critically.

CO 2 The students will be able to analyze the economics behavior of individuals, firms and markets.

Course 12 Research Methodology and computer application

CO1.The students will be able to critically ascertain and apply various research methods used in social science by drawing upon a range of theoretical and empirical research in survey studies of Economics

CO2.The students will be able to critically examine the theoretical aspects comprising an exploration of various theories, concepts and term that are part of the research methodology in survey studies of Economics

Course 13 Micro Economic Analysis

CO 1 The students will be able to understand theory of micro economics critically.

CO 2 The students will be able to analyze the economics behavior of individuals, firms and markets.


Course 14 Quantitative Method

CO 1 The students will be able to use the techniques of mathematical & statistical analysis.

CO 2 The students will be able to use simple tools and techniques which will help a students in data collection, presentation, analysis and drawing inferences about various statistical hypothesis.

Course 15 Indian Economic Policy

CO 1 The students will be able to learn Indian economy characters.

CO 2 The students will be able to be aware to Indian economic policies and economic reforms.

CO 3 The students will be able to high light an integrated approach to the functioning aspects of the Indian economy keeping in view.

Course 16 International Trade and Finance

CO 1 The students will be able to evaluate the importance of international trade and limitations critically

CO 2 The students will be able to critically examine international trade policies

CO 3 The students will be able to learn govern the free flow of trade which includes goods, services and capital – at the global level .

Course 17 Environmental and welfare Economics 

CO 1 The students will be able to assess the design and implementation of public policy related to the management of environment and social sectors critically .

 CO 2 The students will be able to analyze models of optimal use of natural resources , sustainable development , environmental resource problem in india.

CO 3 The students will be devoted to the issue of environmental economics, environment and social services and the problem of evaluation of these services and designing of instruments.

Course 18 Macro economic Analysis

CO 1 The students will get broad knowledge of macro economics or arregative economics analysis and establishes the functional relationship between the large aggregates .

CO 2 The students will be able to assess macro economics now is not only a scientific method or analysis but also a body of empirical economic knowledge.

Course 19 Public Economics

CO 1 The students will be able to learn the role and functions of the government in an economy that has been changing with the passage of time

CO 2 The students will be able to assess there are vast array of fiscal institutions tax system, expenditure programmes, budgetary procedures, debt issues, level of government etc.

CO 3 The students will be able to evaluate the term “Public Finance” that has traditionally been applied to the package of these policies and operations.

Course 20 Economic Development and Planning

CO 1 The students will be able to learn the achievements and failure of lndian plans,

CO 2 The students will be able to assess Big-push theory, tlibdry.6f critical minimum efforts, balanced and unbalanced growth.

CO 3 The students will be able to evaluate the investment criteria in economic development.

 CO 4 The students will be able to evaluate the role of state in economic development, problem of pricerise in lndia.