Program Outcomes

Course 16: Inorganic Chemistry


CO1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Atomic Structure, Periodic Properties.

CO2.The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Chemical Bonding.

CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe S-Block Elements, Chemistry of Noble Gases.

CO4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe P-Block Elements, Inorganic Chemical Analysis.

CO5. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Chemistry of Elements of First Transition Series.

CO6. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Chemistry of Elements of Second & Third Transition Series.

CO7. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Oxidation and Reduction, Coordination Compounds.

CO8. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Chemistry of Lanthanide Elements, Chemistry of Actinides.

CO9. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Acids and Bases, Non Aqueous Solvents.

CO10. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Metal-Ligand Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes.

CO11. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes.

CO12. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Organometallic Chemistry.

CO13. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Bioinorganic Chemistry.

CO14. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB).

Course 17: Organic Chemistry

CO1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Electronic structure & bonding, mechanism of organic reactions.

CO2.The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Stereochemistry of organic compounds.

CO3. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Aliphatic and aromatic ring compounds.

CO4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Alkenes, dienes and alkynes.

CO5. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Arenes and aromaticity.

CO6. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Alcohols, phenols, epoxides.

CO7. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Aldehydes and ketones.

CO8. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Carboxylic acids, substituted carboxylic acids, and carboxylic acid derivatives.

CO9. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Organic compounds of nitrogen.

CO10. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Heterocyclic compounds, amino acids and peptides.

CO11. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe organometallic compounds, organosulphur compounds, and organic synthesis via enolates.

CO12. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Biomolecules, carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids.

CO13. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Synthetic polymers, synthetic dyes.

CO14. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, infra-red spectroscopy, un-visible spectroscopy, nmr-spectroscopy, cmr-spectroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Course: Physical Chemistry


CO1. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Mathematical concepts for chemist and computer.

CO2. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Molecular velocities.

CO3.The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Liquid state.

CO4. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Liquid crystals, colloidal state, and solid state.

CO5. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Chemical kinetics, catalysis.

CO6. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Thermo chemistry.

CO7. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Laws of thermodynamics.

CO8. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Phase equilibrium.

CO9. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Electrochemistry.

CO10. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Electrochemical cell or galvanic cell.

CO11. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Quantum mechanics.

CO12. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Quantum mechanical approach of molecular orbit theory.

CO13. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Spectroscopy, electromagnetic radiation, vibrational spectra, and Raman spectra.

CO14. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Electronic spectra, photochemistry.

CO15. The students after the completion of this course will be able to describe Thermodynamics, physical properties and molecular structure, magnetic properties.